There are several predefined projects at the hackathon, which the participants can choose to work on. Below the projects are described in detail including hard- and software specifications as well as the number of possible participants for each project. Specific hardware for the projects will be provided, however, software should already be installed on your personal laptop before you come to the hackathon.
Read more: Your Brain On Arts | Designers Hackathon
To use the dream painting app, the user is wearing an unicorn headset while sleeping. When he wakes up, he will get an image created according to his EEG signals.
soft-/hardware specifications: unicorn, intendiX
participants: 2 groups, 3-5 people per group
skills: Basic programming skills (C#)
It is possible to control a Sphero with motor imagery by thinking of left or right hand movement. Watch the Sphero control video.
soft-/hardware specifications: g.Nautilus, Sphero
participants: 2 groups, 3-5 people per group
skills: Basic programming skills (C#)
Create images according to your EEG signals.
soft-/hardware specifications: unicorn
participants: 2 groups, 3-5 people per group
Expand your EEG Headset with your own 3d printed parts. Let them move, light, hold things or simply look nice.
soft-/hardware specifications: 3D printer, 3D freeware
participants: 2 group, 3-5 people per group
Skills: Basic CAD
"Sphero SPRK Control"
Social interactions using the Shpero robot, P300 and music.
Team members: Saul Cova, Michael Winters, Gintare Minelgaite
"Waves of Creation"
The wales changed colors according to the BCI users brain activity.
Team members: Luis Mercado, Andreas Wulff-Jenser, Adam Lopez